
I Know Why The Sparrow Sings for Haiku At Marin Art & Garden Center

Even in winter, the crisp, cold beckons us with its music.  It may compel us to notice how nature resembles a tiny bird singing. Songs are everywhere!  How much so in a broken twig, the snap of shadows, monotonous hues of grey and brown?  Come listen to the sparrow as it lends its soulful sound.  May listening inspire you to take notes and write haiku!

All through this season of hold-on-tight, these well-kept birds puff their feathers and call out, their vibrant notes rising above the stillness. A melody, whether in metric or sound, offers a symphony of diversity. It's a reminder that, in the coldest season, our winter gardens provide a niche for guidance.

We will write together indoors to keep our fingers warm for this gathering. However, there will still be time to venture outside on our own, to walk in beauty and enjoy encounters with the garden's plants and birds.

Your guide, poet Jayne McPherson, hopes to cultivate a deep appreciation for how gardens in nature contribute to well-being.  Writing is rewarding, but haiku writing is the toast of a soiree!

This free workshop has a minimum of 2 participants and a maximum of 32.  The soiree is offered to all ages, and children under 14 may sign up with an adult. There will be warm teas and cookies.  Please bring pen and paper or your preferred writing supplies.

Winter solitude–

In a world of one color

The sound of wind.  — Basho